Opportunity Class (OC) Exam Preparation

Suitable for Year 4 children enrolled to sit the upcoming Opportunity Class (OC) Selective exam – held Thursday 1st August.

Our teachers will continue to engage and encourage your child to do their very best as they work towards to this academic goal. In a positive and supporting environment, your child will continue to cover exam relevant content with the necessary depth and breadth, with, real world context. This will help give your child the opportunity to better understand and remember needed information. Your child will also continue to be exposed to a diverse range of exam style questions, as well as, exam strategies – shown how to work in the most efficient manner possible.


Term 3 will commence during the upcoming school holidays, with a full term of classes held prior to the exam, as per below;

July School Holidays

  • Wednesday 10th July – Week 1 July Holidays – held 9am to 1pm (4 hours / double session),
  • Thursday 11th July – Week 1 July Holidays – held 9am to 1pm (4 hours / double session),
  • Wednesday 17th July – Week 2 July Holidays – held 9am to 1pm (4 hours / double session),
  • Thursday 18th July – Week 2 July Holidays – held 9am to 1pm (4 hours / double session),

Class will be scheduled from 9 – 1pm during the school holidays, with the centre open from 8:30am and closed at 1pm.  

Term 3

  • Plus, either Monday 22nd July – Week 1 Term 3 – held 3:45 to 5:45pm (2 hours / single session) – OR – Thursday 25th July – held 4:30 – 6:30pm (2 hours / single session),
  • And the final session will be held Monday 29th July – Week 2 Term 3 – held between 3:45 – 7:45pm (2 hours / single session). No session can be held Thursday 1st August due to the exam date.

    Hence a standard term of 10 x 2 hour sessions will be held.

Prior to the upcoming exam key focuses include…

  • Strategies to deal with the test pressure
  • Strategies to read, interpret and understand the questions
  • Sentence structure and complexity
  • Text composition and stimulus connection
  • Familiarisation and use of mature vocabulary
  • Making connections between maths concepts and strategies
  • Strategies for maths tests
  • Strategies to check answers
  • Strategies for comprehension tests
  • Strategies for critical thinking tests

Includes substantial morning tea and all needed resources will be provided.

Post the exam, the Selective Program will transition to focus on preparing students for Year 5 and the Merewether High School Entrance / independent scholarship exams, with a solid emphasis on Reading and Writing – as per the attached.

The remainder of Term 3 will be discounted by 50% for students whom continue post the OC exam (Weeks 3 – 10). 

Save $100 for every (new) friend referred.


Express your interest in attending via emailing office@arrendell.com.au or call 4942 3000.