Experienced Tutors

For over 40 years our highly experienced team of teachers have inspired, tutored and mentored thousands of primary and secondary school students, paving their way for future success.
Our English and Maths tutors are well known for their high regard for a successful academic education, with over 90+% of our parent survey respondents rating our programs as “high quality”, and 98% of parents stating their children “enjoyed attending” classes at ARRENDELL Education.

English and Mathematics Tutors

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[ptb type="tutor" orderby="name" order="asc" offset="0" posts_per_page="10" style="grid3" logic="or" ptb_tax_category="k-to-6-mathematics"]
[ptb type="tutor" orderby="date" order="desc" offset="0" posts_per_page="10" style="grid3" logic="or" ptb_tax_category="secondary-school-english"]
[ptb type="tutor" orderby="date" order="desc" offset="0" posts_per_page="10" style="grid3" logic="or" ptb_tax_category="secondary-school-mathematics"]